
Hey there!

I’m Soundarya Ramesh, a final year Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at the National University of Singapore, working with Prof. Jun Han and Prof. Chan Mun Choon. I’m part of the Cyber-Physical Systems and Security (CyPhy) as well as the Communication and Internet Research Lab (CIRL) research groups. My research interests are in sensor security, as well as in enabling novel applications through sensing in the presence of emerging devices (AR/VR, wearables). Prior to graduate school, I obtained my Bachelors’ in Information Technology from NITK, Surathkal.

I’m currently looking for full-time industry research positions and postdoc opportunities! Please reach out if there are any openings in the areas of sensor security, wearable sensing and health sensing.

Curriculum Vitae

Contact: sramesh@comp.nus.edu.sg

Recent News

Aug 2024: Gave a talk at Microsoft Research, Bengaluru
May 2024: Won the Best Presentation Award in the Rising Stars Forum at MobiSys 2024, Tokyo
May 2024: Gave a talk at Romit Roy Choudhury’s Group at UIUC
May 2024: Gave an invited talk at Acoustical Society of America’s Meeting, Ottawa
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